Saravana Mani
Saravana Mani is an alumnus of MIT Sloan Cambridge, USA and IIM Bangalore. He is Ex-NASSCOM (India’s primary association for startups, global tech centres and Tech enterprises) and has also headed Innovation for leading Retail enterprises such as Future Group India and Kmart Group Australia. He is a serial entrepreneur and an Angel investor across companies in India, US and Singapore. He has published book on Open Innovation and also was the recipient of Asia's Top 100 Tech leaders in 2022. He is the founder of Remoteincubator.com and also is a director at Nivasoft (US/India). He serves as strategic advisor for companies (from Germany, Australia) entering India for Market access and for setting up GCCs.
Wednesday 29th Jan 2025
Panel Discussion
Talent Ecosystem 2030: Shaping Tomorrow's Workforce for a Dynamic Employment Landscape